Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Of Course Goverment Officials are Good Storytellers!


In a recent update on the case of Army Ranger Pat Tillman, an Army Specialist was told not tell how Tillman really died.

The update concluded that Tillman was killed by his own troops gunfire, when the story first spread about Tillman's death the Government let the media and Tillman's family believe that he died of enemy fire.

"I was ordered not to tell them," U.S. Army Specialist Bryan O'Neal told the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

Tillman's family said that in the beginning they would have liked the truth rather than these exaggerated stories, just to make it seem like he died in the line of duty.

To me I am glad that the O'Neal came out with the truth that way other families in the U.S. that have relatives that are in the Armed forces can see that the Government and officials that have to record such deaths don't always tell the truth.

I think this family took it kind of well in front of media considering they were lied to and thought that Pat Tillman was in a crossfire with enemy, and thought he died of a heroic act. I don't know how would feel if I were in this position but it certainly makes me think about what other important details are the Government covering up or just not revealing.

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