Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Glorification Is Not Free Speech

A House of Commons is proposing that glorifying terrorism should be considered a crime. A proposal critics fear would erode freedom of speech and alienate Muslims.

An expert in national-security law at the University of Ottawa,Craig Forcese, states:

But individuals charged under such a provision could argue it violates
their freedom of speech under the Constitution.
"I'd be shocked if it weren't a violation of free speech."

Forcese warned the provision could ensnare individuals in Canada with tenuous links to terrorism, such as people expressing support for an aboriginal protest.

But Conservative MP Gord Brown, who chaired the subcommittee that reviewed the act, played down the risks of such abuses.

"Nobody's talking about using it for that type of charge," he said.
"This is to deal with terrorist activity."

Some Muslim groups are worried that anti-glorification measures could unfairly target their community.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it all depends on what is meant by "glorifying terrorism." Of course, if you are inciting violence or yelling Fire when there is no fire, that's not free speech. But I think we have to be very careful here. This law could be used to silence a lot of people and could be a stepping stone to laws banning speech glorifying other illegal activities such as drug use, etc...