In more cheerful news about restricted Freedom of Speech it seems that some comments that singer Smokey Robinson stated during an interview with Access Hollywood, led to a public apology to Motown Records Executive Berry Gordy. Robinson felt that if the movie Dreamgirls was supposed to depict the legendary music mogul and the other people who have been represented by the company, than it was a terrible portrayal and very untrue.
The producers and directors of the film publicly apologized to Berry Gordy and Gordy accepted, stating that the film was a good film.
In a way you have to give Smokey Robinson some credit for setting the record straight, because when I watched the movie I was wondering was this movie really about Diana Ross and the Supremes. I still think the film has some truth to it. But what happened, definitely shows how careful even if you put something in writing or show something if someone is offended by it, the right to these things might just be taken away.
In this case I feel like The freedoms the producers and directors had for this film was appropriate and was just stripped away for nothing because someone thought that it was an actual portrayal of a real person, but for the record the film is fictional. Bottom line: Settle down Smokey!
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