Wednesday, March 7, 2007

FCC Cracks Down

The Federal Communications Commission(FCC)has buckled down on what should and shouldn't be said on radio, television, newspapers, and the worldwide web.

In an article written on March 1, 2007; entitled "FCC still interfering with freedom of speech" by Steve Chapman he writes about how a Spanish language television network is supposed to have so many hours of educational programs on during the day, and instead they decided to broadcast soap operas suggesting that they were educational enough. The FCC did not agree with this and fined the network 24 million dollars.

In the article was a great quote that sums up how some people feel that freedom of speech should be just that. Freedom of speech to some should have no regulations at all. I think that people take the meaning to literal and not with a realistic point of view. If a person acts in a way that is so degrading to mankind that defend themselves by saying I have a right to freedom of speech, I have the freedom to do this or that.

The term "freedom of speech" is used to lightly and frequently to excuse people from things they say that they know was wrong. Our society has to start realizing that this freedom is a gift because some countries do not have the privilege to exercise these freedoms like the U.S.... "The land of the free."

Anyways, I've babbled enough I just get heated when people use different rights such has freedom of speech to help get their foot out their mouths. So, here's the quote from the article:

Take the agency's rulings on the F-word: "If Tom Hanks uses the term in "Saving Private Ryan," it's OK, but if Cher does on an awards show, it's not."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey I found this story about high school getting suspended for using the word "vagina" during a performance of The Vagina Monologues. Thought you might be interested in this blatant violation of free speech.