Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Could not Resist

When the American Red Cross was trying to get donations and help from people all over the United States for the victims of Hurricane Katrina, they had guest celebrities talk about their feelings about the war. One was Kanye West, I could not resist posting this. Yes, Kanye revealed his true feelings about the whole situation about the war and especially what he thinks about President George Bush, and I quote " George Bush Black people". To me even if the statement is true I feel there is some dignity to be upheld when referring to anyone in an authoritative position. I was upset to learn that there were alternative solutions to avoid the major damage that Katrina caused but the fact still remains that there were more than Black people affected by the storm. Kanye West made himself look like a fool on National television.

Even though the public did not see or hear anyone tell Kanye West that what he said was out of order, when the original broadcast televised on the East Coast and then went to the West Coast Kanye West's statement was edited and censored.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with the statement Kanye West made about George Bush.

I just think Kanye was just responding to the Hurricane and the victims and felt that George Bush did not act quickly enough.

I also think Kanye West should be able to say what he wants without feeling like he will be bleeped on T.V. if he says something that he feels it was just an opinion.